Improving Circulation<br>Sally Anderson<br>Class 3610

Improving Circulation
Sally Anderson
Class 3610

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Sally Anderson
HiJulia R 
Thanks for your lovely message. With the side bend work, maybe this can help (and without knowing what equipment you are using) - try to put your box a little further out over the shoulder rests if it's possible, and focus on the long leg against the foot plate throughout - the active leg is essential to the lever over .. parallel to go over, turn it out when you come up. And then don't aim for too big a range! I'm sure it will all fall into place with a couple of goes. I hope so - I really like the way it works when it falls into place. Happy days and thanks again for your message and for working with me from afar :) Sally
1 person likes this.
Thank you Sally Anderson for your insights! I'll play around a bit with it :)
Kiersha W
that was such a wonderful class.  my body feels amazing.  thank you for your thoughtful flow of movements.  
11-13 of 13

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