Improving Circulation<br>Sally Anderson<br>Class 3610

Improving Circulation
Sally Anderson
Class 3610

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Sally, I absolutely loved this. Thank you for your lovely style and creativity in variations. As a teacher, I so enjoyed just being a student and not knowing or caring what was next. Heart rate was elevated and breath was key in this sequence. Body felt so good after! Again, many thanks.
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Hi Sally, just what I needed on Sunday morning after a huge teaching week. I actually feel revitalised ready for last week of teaching for the year.
Merry Christmas Sally XX
Michelle E
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Loved this session Sally. Thanks for sharing!
1 person likes this.
Ahhhhh - wonderful
Loved this Sally! I feel great- ready for my next three hours of teaching x
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Thank you Sally-I believe this is my new favorite go-to session!💜
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Sally this class was fun, challenging and made me go "ahhh" in a good way at the end. I feel so good! Thank you!
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Thank you Sally, I'm loving you latest videos. Such intelligent movement for modern bodies with deep respect for the traditional work. My body feels amazing after this!
Meg H
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I love this class! Thank you!
Another Sally gem and so fun to combine the Mat and Reformer - though I have to say it's a bit challenging in a small space :)

The side bend work towards the end was a bit difficult to follow and might need some playing around with the Reformer set up, but I'm sure I'll find it easier next time I try it! Other than that, awesome, I hope Sally will be back on PA soon!

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