Happy & Healthy Knees<br>Amy Havens<br>Tutorial 3643

Happy & Healthy Knees
Amy Havens
Tutorial 3643

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Anna H
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Hi Amy- this is so great! I have weak knees and can't seem to put my finger on the issue. I do struggle to do squats and find my knees have a sharp pain in them after squats.... .trying to get to the bottom of what that might be?! Any wisdom on this would be greatly appreciated
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Anna H ah yes, the sharp pain in the knee after squats.  Is that pain right in front at the knee cap or behind, just curious.?  You may want to also look into some of the Franklin work (Eric Franklin) as his work is very useful, brining in imagery for better function.  There are several teachers on the site who do Franklin work, but two that come to mind are Pat Guyton and Tom McCook.  
Sarah S
Would you do this on a tower (last exercise)…and perhaps prop the hips up so the legs can reach lower that the mat?
Recent knee injury. Rehabbing now. This was brilliant and so valuable. I cannot wait to practice and share. 
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