Amy, that was phenomenal! Excellent information. I also wish someone had given this to me when I had started. Thank you for sharing your insight. Please give us more.
Amy, this was awesome. I've been teaching Pilates for a long time, but also had a total knee replacement a little over 2 years ago. Although I am completely recovered, my knee conditioning and rehab will never end. It is a daily practice. Your tutorial is not only helpful for teachers who perhaps have never had a knee issue or haven't received continuing education on knee health or modifications/variations for the knee, but also for everyone on PilatesAnytime who has no idea how to help condition their knees and look after themselves. Brilliant. I hope everyone takes a few moments to watch.
Thank you Amy! I don't hyper extend but recently I have had limited knee flexion on my right knee only. It hurts when I bend my knee deeply. Would these exercises be helpful for that issue as well? Thank you for any insights you may have.
One more comment I tried the reformer exercises. When I did the one with the ball and inward rotation my right calf really started burning. What do you think about that?