Tower Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3646

Tower Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 3646

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thank you Meredith - very much enjoyed the kneeling lunge/arm work - quite challenging!! Always appreciate your thoughtful work
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Loved the class as always Meredith! Especially loved the abdominal flow into teaser, as well as great leg spring variations and arm work. Just what my body needed tonight. ❤️
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Love it! Thanks 🤗
You are all so amazing!
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Thank you, Meredith! My back feels just wonderful now.
1 person likes this.
Nice one....loved the “find a range w constant effort”. Lots of gems in here. Thank you
Love it Meredith! Just what I needed today! xxx
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Love the helicopter legs and shoulder stretches at the end- thanks Meredith for a great class!
Michele M
1 person likes this.
Thank you Meredith! That was just what I needed! I love how open my chest feeling:)
11-20 of 62

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