Tower Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3646

Tower Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 3646

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Nice Tower flow Meredith.
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Beautiful Meredith!! lovely flow and focus xx
3 people like this.
Awesome class!!! My body absolute peace after this workout!! X Jackie
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Wonderful as always Meredith. Thank you
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Wonderful class - great flow and some nice creative variations. Thank you for a great class!
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Awesome! Love your workouts!!!
1 person likes this.
Felt great.
Thanks for taking class with me and sharing your feedback!
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Delicious treat:)) thank you soo much🙏🙏
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As always, enjoyed the meditative, yet deep movement,and thoughtful cuing. Your voice has an emphatic (soothing, encouraging and entirely non-judgmental) quality that resonates with me, leaving me with a sense of an internal shower and an expectation of delightful soreness the day after.
1-10 of 62

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