What a feeling of lightness, balance and ease this class gives ! And it seems so natural, every move follows the former one as if it was the only possible thing to do ! It really seems like it’s what the body wishes to do. Is it usefull to add that I loved the class ?
Jenna's 'twist' on Fletcher work creates a stretch and release in the areas of my body which have been stuck for many years...hope to work with you more, in the coming weeks. Thx
Can I just say that you may have saved my life today! Ok...I’m exaggerating a bit. However, you definitely gave me back a little of my sanity! Dealing with a sewer back up which has destroyed the beautiful Pilates space that I have in my home. Telling myself as it gets put back together that things could be much worse. Thank you so much for this class !
Is it usefull to add that I loved the class ?