Pelvic Floor Dysfunction<br>Christi Idavoy<br>Discussion 3721

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Christi Idavoy
Discussion 3721

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Cynthia G
Just want to underline the above sentiments and thanks to all for talking about this issue.  As older folk, my friends and I, we are afraid to talk openly about incontinence although we have all experienced it.  Immobility and fear, especially in lockdown where some of my friends have been in their rooms for weeks on end, this topic has become more important. 
Shaini V
Thanks so much for this great discussion! Bringing awareness to the subject. Are the movement classes already on? Looking forward to start practicing with all this!
Thanks so much for this Christi and Amy. I'm writing a blog on the Pelvic Floor for my clients and I just thought I'll see what PA has - I ended up watching this whole workshop:) As  a Polestar graduate, so much of it resonated with our approach. I know Claire Sparrow here in the UK is also passionate about the Pelvic Floor as part of 'Whole Body Health' and is doing a lot of work in this area....I'll reference you in the blog!! Loved some of the quotes here too. Thanks as ever, Sarah
Aside from squats that were mentioned in the middle were other exercises listed?
mickey ~ Thank you for your forum post. You can find more information about the exercises that Christi recommends in the classes that are part of this series. Here is a link so you can see all of it. I hope this helps!
Rachael J
Makes since the pelvic diaphragm is related to respiratory. I’ve been having incontinence 5 weeks postpartum while being sick currently, coughing I am accidentally peeing myself and releasing gas. I’ve had two kids and after the first I had it occasionally too even when working out but mostly if I had to go and had to hold it then couldn’t hold it anymore on my way to bathroom.
Rachael J
*sense not since
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