Georgia Burns Hi Georgia, thanks for replying. I am doing the massage daily for me 12 yo son who had surgery 6 months ago. I noticed that a keloid scar has formed, but I’ll continue with the massage as I am sure it will help to unstick the layers under the skin. His surgeon has also said to continue as it will help to “heal the scarring below the skin. But I read somewhere that massage will not help to reduce the keloid scar, so wanted to check if you have any advice or can direct me to any related reading materials.
I put on your video every evening now and both my son and I find it soothing to hear you explain the massaging process.
Joanna T thank you so much for sharing this precious time with me. Massage has many benefits. It may not always change the look of the scar but the muscle tissue will have a better connection to contract and relax. It sounds like you have a lovely and bonding routine with your son. The only thing that I’ve come across specifically for keloid scaring is to add ice.
Georgia BurnsGeorgia Burns if you have some time, can you explain how I should incorporate ice into the process? Do you mean like a cold compress? His scar is on the belly, and it might be a shock to ice directly on it.
Joanna T I’m definitely not an expert on this type of scaring. Just from my own limited research I have see some use of a cryotherapy. It might be something to ask your doctor or physio therapist about. The scar massage that your are doing with your son is such a great way to help process the feelings around the scaring as well as relax the muscle fibers.
Georgia Burns Yes, I will ask his doctor at the next visit. You are so right about the benefits of the massage. My son had quite a traumatic experience and this is a great way to help him relax and release anxiety. Thanks again Georgia for taking the time to reply me.