Gymnastics-Inspired Flow<br>Benjamin Degenhardt<br>Class 3794

Gymnastics-Inspired Flow
Benjamin Degenhardt
Class 3794

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I did have fun with that one !! Great use of the blocks. Great challenge and flow. Thanks Benjamin :))
Whew! That was fun.
Wow! amazing lesson! I never did this kind of sequence! I faound it funny and strong! thank's Ben!
Awesome series! Love the concepts and connections to the work! Thanks! 
Loved this class and especially loved all the wrist mobilization in the beginning. We often forget the wrists and they need more attention. 
Loved all 3 classes! Thank you!  Are these series over now? 
So good and challenging!
1 person likes this.
As a 77 year old this is one of the most interesting workouts I have come across. It builds strength particularly in the legs and hips. There is an old video clip of Mr Pilates doing this in a field. Forgotten.
Please Mr Degenhardt further develop this sort of work, and come back very soon and Teach it. Yes? Very soon?
Loved this
Zeren Joy
thank you Benjamin
1-10 of 13

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