Class 1: Breath<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3808

Class 1: Breath
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3808

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Tamara A
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I love the way that you teach, you and your classes are amazing. Thank u!
1 person likes this.
Such a nourishing practice!
Hi Tamara A !  Thank you so much.  I am so pleased my style works for you.  Take care!! 

Hi Kandie A,  Thank you!! 
Wonderful! Thank you so much 🙏
Thank you  Katrien Notebaert !

Yesim M
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After randomly doing/ trying some beginner exercises, I came across yours and loved this first class. When I lie on my back, I’m like a flipped over bug when it comes to peeling myself off the floor.  It upsets me because I used to be able to do this but I haven’t exercised for so long and am feel it! Any suggestions on how I could strengthen my core? Thanks. Yesim 
Hi Yesim M,  Are you referring to the roll up? Or chest lift? Both have been a long journey for me!! On any given day I am unsure if I will be able to roll up with ease.  Without seeing you move, it is hard to be sure, BUT best plan is to use props or modifications to allow you to capture the movement using the correct muscles.  Roll-up with a band,  prop in hand, between ankles, towel under back or use arms to assist on back of legs.  I find rolling exercise to to be SUPER helpful!! good luck :) 
1 person likes this.
I really enjoyed this! Great way to warm myself up. Felt wonderfuland great breath reminders. Thank you. 
Thank you Lacey !  Love hearing from you:) 
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