Fundamental Mat Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3835

Fundamental Mat Flow
Amy Havens
Class 3835

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Oana Solomon
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Great. Thank you, dear Amy.
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Great to come back after severe backpain. Thank you Amy!
3 people like this.
Wonderful, really work for understanding the movement. thank you!!
6 people like this.
This was great Amy! I have a client who is starting teacher training and will be doing fundamental mat this  coming weekend. I’m definitely going to suggest she watch this class! It is so amazing the work you get out of really perfecting the fundamentals. Thank you! 
3 people like this.
This is a perfect fundamental class I have ever seen; I loved it a lot and I will keep this in mind when I need to go back to the fundamentals for any reason...thank you sooo much Amy 
Tiara J
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Definitely appreciate the imagery of basic movements and the combining of these basic movements later. Thank you, Amy! 
Gracias Amy, me gusró tu clase de fundamentos básicos.
Ruth B
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Always important to go back and relearn the fundamentals to understand and do the mat work correctly. Great lesson!
Selene S
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I like to do a lot of the fundamentals Amy and it is a great way for me to start. Always like to listen to different queues😊
Yvette B
1 person likes this.
Thank you !! Very informative and well demonstrated
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