Fundamental Mat<br>Pat Guyton<br>Class 385

Fundamental Mat
Pat Guyton
Class 385

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Thanks Sharon, The Plop was taught to me by Jan Dunn, a Franklin Method Educator Level II and we are both in Level III! She learned it from a PT and she did not remember the name, so we send thanks to the universe for the simple, invaluable tool. My cuing and teaching has been greatly enhanced by the Franklin Method and I really teach Franklin Method and Pilates!
Thank you Sharon. My cuing has been enhanced by the Franklin Method. I really teach Franklin Method and Pilates. I am glad you enjoyed!
Loved the class, but I'm disappointed because class quit 30 mins into it :(
Hi Paula, I am glad that you enjoyed 1/2 the class. Perhaps you could ask Pilates Anytime if this is a technical problem?
Hi Pat, thankyou for this class. I have watched it several times, and love it, and learn more every time I watch it. The 'plop' works a treat.
Look forward to seeing more classes, also very interested in Franklin Method meets Pilates reformer. Hope to see you soon.
Hi Jordanna! Thank you for your thoughtful comments and time. I will tell Kristi that you are interested in the FM reformer. I will be there doing SOS strap and spine corrector. I look forward to your feedback!
Thank you so much! I got a lot from your exacting images and cueing. I already added the Plop to my mat class, amazing! I love mat work and adding subtle nuances is what inspires me. Thanks for sharing your years of expertise. Warmest regards, Sue Elliott
Thanks Sue, Teachers and students like you keep me on my toes! We all want tools that facilitate others to learn faster and more efficiently than we least me 27 years ago.
Pat, I found the flop cue great. Loved the class!
Absolutely loved this class. Good pace for transitioning from level one to level two.
21-30 of 33

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