Creative and Fun Mat<br>Gia Calhoun<br>Class 3859

Creative and Fun Mat
Gia Calhoun
Class 3859

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13 people like this.
A great, short class.  Excellent teaching cues.  I rarely had to look up to the screen for guidance.  I love your very easy teaching demeanor.  You have great energy without being intense.  I can't wait to take more of your classes.  Thank you!
Thank you so much, Nicole! I hope you like my other classes too!
2 people like this.
Great class! excellent cueing! thanks. I love this series
1 person likes this.
You are great with the excellent cueing; short, effective, fun class...thank you
2 people like this.
Me ha encantado esta clase y las demás !!! y siempre tienes una voz muy bonita!!!
Wow, this was the toughest one for me yet, a sweaty sundaymorning. Thanks for cuing so good. 
1 person likes this.
Thank you all! This one was tough for me too Lisette-Anne!
Fantastic class - short and hard! My style :D
Julz V
4 people like this.
I love that your knees click. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only knee clicker out there. Loved this class. Thank you.
Julz There are definitely more of us! Hope you liked my workaround for it!
1-10 of 57

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