Garuda Mat Flow<br>James D'Silva<br>Class 3953

Garuda Mat Flow
James D'Silva
Class 3953

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Guylaine A
3 people like this.
I would love to find some more mat class with James 
Angel S
So great, really helpful for those of us who work at desks :)
Nahid D
3 people like this.
I love him! One of the best teachers in the world. More of him on this site please!
1 person likes this.
This 80 minute class is brilliant!  So many hidden treasures in each move. Its like you are doing a pilates, yoga, dance, melt, meditation, pranayama  and a Martial Arts class all in each sequence.  Thank You James!
1 person likes this.
Love the video but the hands part should have been filmed a little closer. For us watching from a smartphone screen it's not easy to see his hands
How to take this class:  (1) Listen (2) Just try it (3) Watch again if you loved it.  Have you ever been rolling about in a mat class and thought, "What if I kept going/reaching this way?"  James's choreography allows you to keep going, reaching, arcing fully -- fingers to toes, brushing through the air around you.
Andrea F
Loved this class! Planning to repeat it  over and over for a better understanding of all the different nuances it brings.  Thank you, James!
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