Strength and Power Tower<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 3973

Strength and Power Tower
Erika Quest
Class 3973

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Wow! Erika, Nico- great work- loved this standing tower- lots of ideas to use with my classes❤️❤️ Thank you
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That was amazing!  Just what I needed.  Thanks Erika. 
Erika Quest
Ruth YOU WILL do great. Just go for it. Much love and thanks for watching, Erika
Erika Quest
Federica Thank you, Federica! Love you my sister and hope to see you soon. Erika
Erika Quest
Patti Awesome, Patti! Always happy to hear this and support your journey. Much love and hope to see you soon, Erika
Erika Quest
Suzanne BAM! I'm SO glad it resonated. Much love, Erika
1 person likes this.
One of the best workouts that I have watched and done.
you really are the best
Thank you 
Erika Quest
Mahnaz Well, Mahnaz, you know how to make a girl blush. I'm SO glad you enjoyed and love it. I really enjoyed shooting this session and doing an all tower class was new for me on PA, so delighted it's resonating. Much love, Erika
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Great flow and lower body work. Loved it!
Erika Quest
Jackie Yeah, Jackie! I'm so glad and thanks for taking class with me. Much love, Erika
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