Strength and Power Tower<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 3973

Strength and Power Tower
Erika Quest
Class 3973

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I forget  how important squatting, lunging, and deadlifting is for lower body strength.  Thank you Erika for a great workout this morning.  Also love the 30 minutes as I am short on time these days.
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I noticed that with the speed skater squats that you used the tower leg & opposite arm for one side, and on the other side you used the same leg and arm. Do you have a preference for how this should be done?
Erika Quest
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Katherine Thanks, Katherine! I forgot about this too, which is why most of my work is standing these days. Thanks for taking class with me! Much love, Erika
Erika Quest
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Susan Hi Susan! I actually enjoy BOTH. The opposite arm/leg will be a bit more focussed on diagonal slings through the body and rotational patterns. Each one will certainly shift center of gravity differently and challenge balance. Thanks for taking class with me! Much love, Erika
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So fantastic....and lots of this I can use as a BARRE tender!   Thank you thank you!  Perfect 30 minute hit - can't wait to share in my Pilates world as well!   xoxo
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Great full body work in short time. Using a few of these moves in class tomorrow.  Thanks Erika and Nico
Erika Quest
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Jennifer Awesome, JEN! YAY and so glad you'll use. Thanks for taking class with me  and much love, Erika
Erika Quest
Mary That is AWESOME! Yes, full body for sure and glad you'll have fun taking and using. Much love, Erika
Ruth B
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Great class. I am exhausted just watching it but I can't wait to try it!!!

Beautiful Erika !! 
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