Strength and Power Tower<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 3973

Strength and Power Tower
Erika Quest
Class 3973

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Erika Quest
MC WOOT! Thanks, MC. I totally loved teaching this class, so I'm glad you enjoyed and took session with Nico and me. Much love, Erika
Amazing class! Thank you!
Erika Quest
Camila C Thank you so much, Camilla! I love teaching this one and glad you enjoyed taking class with Nico and I. Love, Erika
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I liked this class different variations and good functional strength 
Erika Quest
Elizabeth D Thank you so much for taking class with Nico and I, Elizabeth! So glad you enjoyed. Much love, Erika
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I loved that class! The swan with arm circles at the end was my favorite. It felt so good.
Erika Quest
Jessica M YAHOO! Jessica, that's so great. I loved teaching this one too and I'll have to go back to it, as I can't remember the arm circles, lol. Lots of love! Erika
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Great standing class, Erika! I get so many alternative great standing work moves from you.  I did this on the Cadi not a tower, i just had to negotiate the bars above but i managed. Thank you
Erika Quest
Judy C Aw, thanks Judy! I loved teaching this class and sending you all my best. Hugs, Erika
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