Dynamic Reformer Flow<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 3995

Dynamic Reformer Flow
Maria Leone
Class 3995

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Thank you!  If you ever post any of it on Insta please tag me.
Love this workout! I normally despise using the box, but this is the only workout where when using the box I don’t feel as if it’s interrupting the workout but is actually part of the workout. It’s elegant and moves smoothly from one move to another. No senseless chatter here. Feels very ballet like with both large and small movements. Plus it’s a real butt burner! 
Really cool routine!  I love your transitions and the preps for the harder exercises.  Awesome! Thanks, DB
Maria I just love your classes. Thx
Katie M
This was tough.  A great instructor but was definitely way more a level 3 than 2.  A bit discouraging for an intermediate level like me, I will look to see if Maria has easier classes.
Fara M
I really enjoyed this, thank you!  Pace and cueing was perfect, I’ll definitely look for more videos by Maria!
Hey Katie- Don't be discouraged!!! These workouts are meant to be athletic and challenging!  Many professionals take them.  I do not have much here that is for newer clients but there are many other options.  You can also look for me on You Tube where I have some short segments that are not so athletic.
Loved this so much!  Thank you!
Helen S
That was amazing!!  Thank you so much!!  I'm ready to tackle home schooling now!!
I really loved this class! Thank you for the weekly inspiration. I love it all, but favorite ball to teaser and modified twisted arabesque to full twisted arabesque. So creative! 💛
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