Creative Mat Combinations<br>Viktor Uygan<br>Class 4008

Creative Mat Combinations
Viktor Uygan
Class 4008

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thank you, excellent pace and transistions. Loved the warm up balance sequence. This is challenging yet accessible.
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"Don't let the spice change the integrity of the dish." Best life/pilates advice ever! Great workout. Thank you! 
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Great class, lovely combinations, just what I needed in lockdown! Although leg pull and side plank was just me falling over repeatedly :)
Viktor Uygan
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Hi Isabel I am glad to hear you find my class easy to follow and it goes by fast. Thank you for moving with me 🙏
Viktor Uygan
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Hi Anne so happy to hear you enjoyed my class and you find my class challenging yet accessible. Thank you for moving with me 🙏
Viktor Uygan
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Hi Kandie happy to hear you agree with my philosophy and you see that it applies to our daily life. Thank you for your comment and Keep moving 🙏  
Viktor Uygan
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Hi Bridgette so happy to hear that you thought this was just what you need it during the lockdown and Thank you for making me smile by calling your self out ( you should have seen me when I first try that 🤫) Keep moving, keep smiling 😊
Laura O
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First time doing one of your classes Viktor, it was brilliant, really enjoyed it, thank you 😊
Josh B
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Thanks Viktor Uygan, I had to learn to enjoy this class!
Hamstrings are so tight compared to rest of my body - any tips on how to do extra work on them?
Viktor Uygan
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Hi Laura so happy to hear I didn't disappoint you and you thought my class was brilliant. Please check out my other classes and let me know what you think about them. Thank you for moving with me 😀 🙏🏻
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