Day 2: Extension<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4039

Day 2: Extension
Carrie Pages
Class 4039

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My backbend was awful . It felt as if I didn't have enough strength in my arms to hold it :( . I will keep working on it though . Hard work will pay off eventually. 
Brydie L
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All these years I’ve been doing Pilates and never even tried a back bend. I loved this class. Thanks you!
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Day 2 was not very accessible- I feel it’s a little dangerous to let a complete beginner attempt a wheel pose without supervision. Not sure this challenge is for me. Not enough adaptation for beginners and no warning that this was coming.
Juliana A
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I have a not so uncomfortable lower back pain but I could do the entire class without problem. I'm wondering is this extension class is a good way to work out my lower back to get my muscle stronger. Thank you, Carrie!
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A full back bend was impossible for me due to lack of strength in arms and shoulders and doubt I will ever get there.  Felt it was a little dangerous to incorporate into an online class. Enjoyed the rest however.  Thank you 
Margo Hi Margo!  I'm so glad you enjoyed the class.  A good exercise to build more strength is an overhead press with light weights. I would also continue to work for more flexibility but also acknowledge that being able to do a backbend doesn't mean you aren't strong or flexible.  It's just a fun goal!  XOXO. - Carrie

Isabelle P
Hi Carrie, I was able to do a full back bend but I found my wrists were hurting quite a bit the longer I held it, especially when I tried to kick my foot up at the end. Do you have any advice to help with this? Isabelle
The extensions are really helpful, but I'm pretty sure this is a Level 3 class. The arm strength needed for the backbend is something most of us don't have at a Level 2 class.
Thanks for this class, I will definitely do again as I want to improve my back bend!
I couldn’t do a perfect rocking swan and full bridge yet, but I’m feeling motivated to work on those. Hopefully with progression, I’ll be able to do one day. 😀
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