Day 3: Hips, Glutes & Thighs<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4040

Day 3: Hips, Glutes & Thighs
Carrie Pages
Class 4040

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Loving this challenge during this time and your passionate energy
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This Whole challenge is amazing! Love this super intense class 
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My legs say "thank you" Carrie!! Will remember that "pantyhose" cue- it just sums up the lean strength we all look for.
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With all the Zoom classes I'm doing with my students who don't have equipment at their homes these have been great to add more variations, thank you

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Thank you!! Love this one! My goodness your leg goes really high in those last exercises!! Something to work towards for me 💗
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Wow - just loving these challenges and amazingly clear and detailed instructions.  Thank you so much.  Hazel
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Amazing work for glutes and hips; love it;thank you 
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Ohh I loved this class! And yes, I spunk my bum too, it helps to activate those glutes!
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I loved this.  I appreciate anything that strengthens my hips.  I also appreciated that you lost count when you made a joke.  Glad to know I am not the only one.
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love the way that you put a tweak in the clams and carried that emphasis throughout the leg kick series. Really felt it differently in a good way
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