Day 9: Upper Body<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4046

Day 9: Upper Body
Carrie Pages
Class 4046

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Loving this challenge Carrie! Holy moly those tricep dips!!! Feeling stronger every day. Really love the pace, variety, and quick classes as it’s impossible not to find the 20 minutes to get this in! 
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Carrie it was a goodie , Plan on repeating this session as I loved the sassy bum move
Gerri M
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Day 9 got me sweating...nice challenge with reverse bridge into pike..feeling strong.
Thanks Carrie for the energy
Yvette O
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loved the tricep dips into pike...awesome! i don't want this challenge to end
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My new favorite! 
Tracey R
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I also don’t want this challenge to end! These little 20 min bites are so great to squeeze in at random times during the day - love it
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All I can say is WOW! Push ups are the challenge! I like the table top, tricep, the hinging back, then back to table top, cool flow !
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Fun and challenging at the same time. The table top was very challenging for me and the exercise right after that with the hips was, well, beyond challenging for me. =) But that is ok, I did the best I could and I enjoyed it. 
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Huge challenge that you made fun!! Thank you!
Verna N
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Loved it thank you
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