Day 9: Upper Body<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4046

Day 9: Upper Body
Carrie Pages
Class 4046

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Cid F
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Love your enthusiasm, smile,  giggles and excellent cues.

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Thanks for throwing in all the push-up variations.  Maybe next time we could hold in low push-up for a little Chaturanga. Fun Class.. please do more of these 10 day challenges:)  
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Another day of brain challenges!! The tricep dip /body pike was a really mean exercise. Great creativity around our usual repertoire- thanks Carrie!
Rajashree Srirangarajan
Wow! incredibly hard- 3 dips and pike, planks!!

 So challenging and FUN!  Thank you!
Rhiannon W
Agree with the above, 'loved the tricep' into pike :D thank you!!
Reid B
Awesome flow Carrie! Loved the walk out planks and push-ups. I’ve forever had a fear of push-ups because of multiple shoulder surgeries. You’ve opened a whole new way to look at it! Thank you!
Loved this again, Carrie - I can hardly breathe!
Saphira B
This is such a great class. Your humor and clear cues make this short  class invigorating and strength-building. Thank you!
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