Just Move Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 4048

Just Move Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 4048

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Great class! Love your teaching style.
Joseph M
Thanks, Kristi! That was a fun class!
Laura R
Love it. Perfect routine for when you don't feel like exercising. Activates whole body without being too taxing.
very nice, thank you!
Nice & gentle and lovely personality thank you x
Jo R
lovey class thank you
Viola S
I like Kristi's style very much! She is so nice and polite! It makes you (me) feel comfortable! ;) Thank you!
Joan F
Really nice class, Thank you Kristi!
Just what my back needed this morning. Thank you, Kristi.
Thank you for exellent cuings in Single, Double Leg str. and Criss Cross! felt it different and really deep in in the core. Also loved the details in Swimming, thank you a lot!
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