Let's Roll<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4159

Let's Roll
Amy Havens
Class 4159

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Janie Flemming thank you so much for taking the time to leave this comment for me!  This has made my day!
1 person likes this.
Wonderful class, Amy! Your cues were so clear and I didn’t have to turn my neck ! Please, please create mixed equipments challenge!
Yuka S this is the BEST comment --- thank you!!!  I'll work on creating a mixed equipment challenge -- email the customer service folks to tell them too!
Terrific class, Amy, as always. Foam roller classes are my favorite and with yours I can always count on outstanding feedback even though we are separated by a continent! When you say ‘“you should feel x here” I am amazed that I always can! Thanks for this and all your other so helpful classes, love them all.
Amy, I take this mat class about once each month. Your instruction on anchoring 12th rib and concentration on stable leg while in bridge…. brilliant. I’ve always had difficulty with that move and thanks to your excellent guidance improvement is dramatic. An overall fantastic class🤍
Another great class with the foam roller, really benefitted from both the routines and the commentary. Thanks, Amy.
I enjoyed this roller class so much! It was a complete mind body journey. I’ll need to add this to my practice on a regular basis. Very interesting and time flew by. Incredible cuing to get me through.   Thank you! 
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