Let's Roll<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4159

Let's Roll
Amy Havens
Class 4159

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2 people like this.
Great class, thanks Amy!
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Great creativity and flow! I loved the attention to detailed cues. Definitely some wobbling going on!
1 person likes this.
Thanks for this class, Amy! It balanced me out - been feeling misaligned lately cause of all the desk work. I also love the way you teach - your spirit is calming. Thanks!!!
Sam L
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I really loved this class and it gave me a lot of relief from my lower back pain. Thank you 
1 person likes this.
Fabulous class - LOVE your teaching, modifications, options, kind and gentle manner of instruction - just the best. Thank you!!!
2 people like this.
oh em gee, Amy! After blankety-blank years involved in the ‘moving arts’ you just facilitated a new epiphany! — I actually connected to my 12th rib! It was just a rumour before today! And after blankety blank years of thinking my right hip is rotated fwd it’s really (or also) my right ribs! *mind blown* 😆
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I cannot do with the live cast, but so appreciate the classes. This one was fabulous. I am a dental hygienist..lost of back concerns if I am not careful. And Pilates is the best to help with the issues. Your cueing is fab as is your energy. Thank you very much 🤩💪
Lina S
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Great cues! I've enjoyed the foam roller class. Thank you Amy!
1 person likes this.
Thanks Amy
Loved this live and ended up splitting this in two due to my schedule yesterday....did the last twenty minutes rolling out of bed and it felt great!
Anna E
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Thank you so much, Amy! This was revelatory. My neck feels like 20 cm longer than before class - I may have found my inner swan?! I knew I had the bad temper, but here came the neck too... Wow, what a way to start a day!
1-10 of 57

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