Fantastic Foam Roller<br>Cathleen Murakami<br>Class 4222

Fantastic Foam Roller
Cathleen Murakami
Class 4222

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1 person likes this.
Great variation of Roller. Thank you from Tasmania, Australia
Cathleen Murakami
Marie G ..many thanks and one day, I will visit Tasmania!!
Sandra B
1 person likes this.
Thanks so much it was great .....Lots of Love from South Africa
so fun + so functional!
Cathleen Murakami
Sandra B ...thank you...and I missed your kind comment of 9 mos ago! My apologies, I try to acknowledge every single want to say I appreciate this and send you my best
Cathleen Murakami
Noelle Iturbe , thank you so much. It makes me so happy to know. you enjoyed and found some FUNctional ideas to use or work with yourself. Cheers!
Sue S
1 person likes this.
Cathleen Murakami That was fun and challenging, thank you!
Cathleen Murakami
Sue S ...awesome Sue. Always a pleasure to hear the positive feedback Thank you so much.
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