Heat<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 4263

Courtney Miller
Class 4263

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Fantastic class ! I love the energy and challenge of this class ! Looking forward to  more!  
Laura O
So thrilled your back!! Your pace is the best and beyond excited to have new content from you!!
I haven’t even watched this yet but I’m so excited!!! Been wanting a good new reformer workout and to get one from Courtney is beyond. Can’t wait to try it!
Thank you Courtney What a great way to start the day!!! I can't wait for the next one.
Melissa K
This was one of my favourite classes!!! 
Demetra P
I think I’m gonna die after this class!!! Greeeaaaaat work👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This is what I’ve been waiting for!! A new Courtney Miller class is as good as Christmas morning ❤️
Carolyn D
Awesome class Courtney! I always love your work and this did not disappoint. Looking forward to doing this one again!
Eugenia L
Awesome class! Did it twice! Had to modify a few things since I have and teach on studio reformers but made it work. Still can't do more than 1 pistol squats but working on it.
Love this class!
11-20 of 106

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