Creating a Foundation<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 4335

Creating a Foundation
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 4335

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4 people like this.
What a great class! Even though not filmed as a normal class would be, I could see the difference by the end of the class and I’m not a professional just an enthusiast.   You are such a master teacher!  Thanks for sharing these classes!  
4 people like this.
This is GREAT!!  I get men like your husband and this is so good to see through your eyes the assessment and the foundational core work before his body takes on anything else.  your cues are wonderful and your corrections help us look for similar situations.   I'm thrilled to have this teaching, thank you!!!!
4 people like this.
Looks great but audio was rough. Maybe ear buds next time?
2 people like this.
Thank you Kathryn -I am so excited for this series - I knew you were teaching your husband, thru your IG page- but to have this filmed -so so helpful with similar clients - thank you!
2 people like this.
You have inspired my to start with my own husband because he too needs Pilates so badly!   I don't have all the equipment you do but you have given me enough info to know how to modify and where to focus.   And loved seeing your furry baby stroll around.  Haha. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Fascinating to watch and listen! Looking forward to more!  Thank you!
1 person likes this.
such a great resource!  Thank you so much - super helpful.   
Cynthia G
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Your husband is amazing, great teacher.  Getting up close is easier in this scenario but very instructive.  Covid will be a problem with clients outside your bubble.
Fabulous! Afraid  the teacher's  ability to touch  the student will  disappear because of Covid and Me Too.  Only with this  degree of touch can the student feel  the difference.
1 person likes this.
so beautiful, honest, moving! thank you
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