Joan- actually I did a 10 week challenge with 70 students following this protocol ( they repeated set workouts 3 times a week) and every teacher reported back changes and we have video documentary on it.... touch is always better- but the work itself stands the test of time :)
Your husband is a such a good student, and a really lucky man to have the chance to work one on one with such a fantastic & inspiring teacher. Loved this video, Loved the precision of the work. Pilates is a never ending pathway to grow and improve. Thank you Kathryn for sharing your experience & expertise.
Sending both you and your husband a HUGE thank you. I have tried like mad to teach my husband so many times and it always ends up in a bittersweet agreement that maybe Pilates is not his thing. He’s an avid life long long distance runner and while quite fit he has challenges from years of pounding the pavement. We watched the video together and did the work, and he came to the realization that its time to begin a program. I guess its true when the student is ready they will find the teacher. I’m excited to see him fall in love with Pilates as I have. I have always admired your work, and today I’m a Mr Nash fan as well. ((((Hugs)))) to you both.
Kathryn, thank you so much. I loved this video and learned from your in depth teaching. I think we all have clients with some of these modern day issues. I loved how you started with the fundamentals and are setting the foundation for whats to come. Your husband is really following along nicely!
Looking forward to his progression with the rest of the videos.
That was amazing! I loved it all! I agree that one can't be as hands on as you would with your spouse, but boy, it certainly drives the point home. I hope to view all the videos and see the progression. I wish I had seen a side view of Wayne at the end of this session. I bet it was better than at the start!