Back To Beginnings<br>Saul Choza<br>Class 4386

Back To Beginnings
Saul Choza
Class 4386

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Saul, thank you so much for this wonderful class. I am a teacher in England and have not only loved doing the class but have been utterly inspired by it. You are so generous with your energy, movement and knowledge - a life saver as we are still locked up like cages birds with ruffled feathers here in England. Love to you. Boo Norfolk England.
???? ? Thank you!
Nisha S Thank you!
Anne P. I'm so glad you enjoyed the class. Have you been able to try the other classes in the series?
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Debra H Thank you love!
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Thank you for your suggestion of this class to help my calf issues.  It is definitely helping!  I’ve been doing it once a week for a while now combined with my other exercise and have some definite improvements, including being able to get lower down in my catcher’s position now and only needing fingertips at this point to push off of floor instead of whole hand.   I plan on repeating until I can push more off of this calf, then moving on to the next class.   It’s a great class! Thank you!
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Lori thanks so much for your feedback! It's exciting to hear the classes are helping.  
1 person likes this.
excellent workout, love the sequence of squats, thanks much Saul
Conce P I’m glad you enjoyed the class! 
BOO WILLIAMS Hi! I'm not sure how I missed your beautiful message. I hope you're well. Thank you for watching!
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