Back To Beginnings<br>Saul Choza<br>Class 4386

Back To Beginnings
Saul Choza
Class 4386

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Laura Maria
Thanks for this dynamic and fun class
Lauramaria S so fun! Thank you! 
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Excellent class! Thank you 
???? ?
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Thanks for amazing work flow!!
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🙏🏻 What was the rythm we had to check up on ... you mentioned early in the class? Thank you 🇩🇰
Andrew B thank you for watching! Which class did you enjoy best? 
Dorthe V I was referring to your personal rhythm. Start incorporate breath with your flow. Let me know how it feels. 
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Outstanding session Saul x
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Another great flowy class, nice progression into more intermediate work, very good cueing. Thanks Saul :))
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Great squat sequences - great functional movements x
1-10 of 22

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