Developing Stability<br>Katie Yip<br>Class 4536

Developing Stability
Katie Yip
Class 4536

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Federica A
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wow, great class! simple but very effective, thank you so much Katie!
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Katie is demanding but in a fun way. I really enjoyed the class. Excellent workout with superb cuing.  I wore 5 lb leg weights and that worked for me. Looking forward to the rest of her series. Thanks Katie:) 
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Loved the class! Finished feeling strong and reconnected from doing just basic exercises. Can't wait for the next class! :) :)
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OMG, you are amazing! KRN has taught you well. Thanks for the great challenging work out! 
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Federica A Thank you for taking class!
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Pen S I am so happy that you are able to take this series! Enjoy and share the torture with your students!
Kristin S Thank you for taking class! KRN is wonderful mentor - I am truly lucky to be able to work with her. 
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Gary M Thank you for taking class! I am impressed with your use of 5 lb weights! 
Federica A
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Katie Yip thank you! i can't wait for the next one
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Thanks Katie, i love the way you teach. So much energy! 🙏your class is verte inspiring. Reffering to develop a good base, i am a little confused when you say to pull the hips under the ribcage......that makes me think to put my pelvis in a posterior tilt...but watching the video it is clear you’re in a neutral position of the pelvis. Can you explain the reason of that kind of suggestion, please? Thank you in advance. Patrizia
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