Developing Stability<br>Katie Yip<br>Class 4536

Developing Stability
Katie Yip
Class 4536

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Patrizia Q Hi Patrizia! Thank you for taking class! When I say "pull the hips under the ribcage" I am cueing posterior tilt. I should also have said "lengthen the tailbone down in opposition" to cue anterior tilt. In my mind I am always doing both simultaneously and will verbalize it next time. Great observation and I will be more mindful to do so in the next class! Thank you! 
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Really liked this class, thank you!
Laura Maria
nice class! the roll down series was killer :) 
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That was great Katie, thank you. Lifting butt sidelying is EVIL,!
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Janine R Muahaha! My favorite :)
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Thank you, I very much enjoyed the class. looking forward to the next class and the programme. 
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Nathan P Thank you for taking class! 
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Super deep work and great cueing. Loved it ! Thanks a lot Katie :))
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Thanks Katie for the variations and your very clear cues. Loved it!
Im really enjoying this series (I did the 2nd one 1st) and I love your teaching style, very challenging breakdowns and great cueing. Lucky girl to have studied under KRN, she is a wonderful (killer!) teacher and so are you. Thank you
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