Renew on the Mat<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 4635

Renew on the Mat
Courtney Miller
Class 4635

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Another great one! Thanks Courtney.
Roxana F
Excellent class! Thank you!!
Always love your classes😘
3 people like this.
Just re-joined Pilates anytime after a little break and so pleased to see your new classes they are all excellent, thank you so much 
1 person likes this.
Thanks Courtney! This series combined with the reformer series is making from some amazing home workouts this fall :)
Laurie C
Awesome class! Great strength and balance challenge. Looking forward for the other classes!!🙌🙏💕🤸‍♂️💪🏻
Priya D
Great class!
I am a big fan of Courtney & Fusion Classes. So, I loved this class. We actually have a local yoga instructor who teaches going from a cow pose into a tripod head stand, so I had fun doing that.  But I also had fun the whole class. It wasn't an easy class either,  but it was worth it. Thanks again Courtney:) 
Lina S
Great cueing. Great class! Fusion classes are always fun!
Loved this class!! Thank you!! Just what I needed this evening 
1-10 of 25

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