Renew on the Mat<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 4635

Renew on the Mat
Courtney Miller
Class 4635

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nice class, ty! 
May I ask where your mat is from & is it a bit thicker for Pilates?
Thank you 
Love love love! Felt so good! Thank you so much Courtney. Loved all the standing and time on all 4s :) 
Really enjoyed the yoga infusion although I wouldn’t dare try the tripod without someone to help! 
Thanks for another great class Courtney Miller 
Beth E
Courtney Miller is my favorite instructor on Pilatesanytime by far. I love her instruction cues and expert knowledge about biomechanics and breath. Her enthusiasm is infectious. I want to take all her classes now.
This series is the best! I am alternating days with a power hiit class and it is perfect.
Hayley B
Love this series! This and Ready Set Glow have been keeping me going through the lockdown here in Australia 
Excellent class; thank you
Cheryl Z
challenging tripod with eagle legs still keeping legs straight to bent something to work on really like the series thank you
Jane R
another great class, thank you
11-20 of 25

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