Meri Christmas Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 4788

Meri Christmas Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 4788

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Thank you so much Meri. Your classes are as essential a part of my Christmas morning tradition as presents now. I love to steal this time on Christmas morning before the business of the kitchen. Happy Christmas x
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Merry Christmas Meredith! It's a traditional to do this class with you every year, and I look forward to it, and I loved it, thanks!
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Merry Everything & Happiness Always  Thank you for such a thoughtful, slow and hard working class Meri.  It wouldn't be Christmas morning without you!!
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Thank you!  Merry Christmas!!!
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Thanks, Meri That was truly wonderful. I hope you and we can move forward together in this New Year.
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Amazing class Meredith!! Merry Christmas and happy new year!!!
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I was sooo looking forward to this for weeks! Did not disappoint.  Happy Holidays!
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Loved this class Meredith. Combination of weights and roller were great. Thank you. Happy holidays 
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Wonderfull lesson, thank you for it. I really enjoyed it. I wish you merry Christmas holidays and happy New Year
1 person likes this.
Thank you!  All the best to you in 2022!
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