Meri Christmas Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 4788

Meri Christmas Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 4788

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Merry Christmas!!! Meredith!! Te queremos y necesitamos más clases tuyas. Un ABRAZO desde Spain!!!
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Merry Christmas
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Merry Christmas for you too! What a surprise, I thought this video would come tomorrow 😃
Gisela G
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Thank you Meredith! I've been waiting for the Meri Christmas class and here it is already!! Enjoy your Christmas!!
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What a fun Christmas treat!
Jennifer E
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The perfect way to start Christmas Eve morning! Awesome class! Thank you! Merry (Meri) Christmas!!!! :)
Just what I needed.  Thank you!!! Merry Christmas! 
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Christmas wouldn’t be the same without your Meri Christmas Mat Class! Thank you Meredith -Merry Christmas!!
Lina S
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What a nice Christmas gift! Happy, healthy, and peaceful holidays!
Kristine Sommerlade
 Thank you Meri! And happy holidays ! 
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