Upper Body Challenge<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4853

Upper Body Challenge
Carrie Pages
Class 4853

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Thanks Carrie. Your cues were excellent! 👍
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excellent explanation of each exercise !
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Loved it, Carrie! Great workout! Can't wait for the next class!!!
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Carrie, you are amazing!! Your cues are everything !! Thank you for sharing your expertise !!
Kim W
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So happy to see you back on PA!! You've been missed. :)
Kim W
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I tried teaching Horseback for the first time in LOOONG time the other day and just gave up. Like you say, there's a lot going on there!
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Great class Carrie, thank you- horseback, side arm work transitions, terrific cues and breakdowns- all of it ❤️
Pure Gold. My body and mind were reminded how strong they can be. Thank you Carrie! 
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Wonderful class Carrie, loved the cues!  I found new muscles working in these exercises and the horseback breakdown was great!
Jen U
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Excellent cueing. I watched today and will try later this week.  I love the "yearning" cue...I often say "longing" for the same type of feeling.  So, I totally get you!
1-10 of 17

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