Upper Body Challenge<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4853

Upper Body Challenge
Carrie Pages
Class 4853

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Awesome class, love the cueing and technique thanks Carrie!

1 person likes this.
Thanks Carrie I braved this as my upper body is my mega weak spot, will deffo come back to this one
Love this! Thank you 
Taghrid K
Woww Great class, excellent cues and loved the progressions and variations of horseback and star. Thank you so much Carrie, will do this again for sure. Total body workout indeed with upper body focus
Taghrid K
I usually don't like teaching horseback as it's so uncomfortable on the long box b0x but will teach your variation. 
Great class Carrie, I learned a lot! I have been playing it "safe" with the intermediate, glad to finally play into the advanced :)
Carrie Pages I always love the small nuances you bring to your cueing!!  Love you to pieces, lady!!  I received a new, deeper perspective on some exercises I do frequently.  Thank-You!
11-17 of 17

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