Progressing into Side Planks<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 4866

Progressing into Side Planks
Cara Reeser
Class 4866

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1 person likes this.
I’m so appreciative of this series! Great to have a roadmap to improving my strength in the upper body, for me especially in shoulder area.  Thanks so much for filming it!
1 person likes this.
I have worked out with you throughout the programme and I would like you to know how much I have appreciated it! I would like some more! Thank you!
Loved this series, thank you for these great classes! (Love Sammy too🐈
Jeannette N always I loved! Your cat though! Love.  Thank you . 
Lina S
I've really appreciate your pedagogy, your clear and precise explanations. Very creative use of the blocks. Their use increase body awareness.
Love your creative block work exercises!!  And, love love love your CAT )
Thanks Cara, loved it! Going back a way, loved your head stand class too - one of my favourites
Thanks Cara for this fabulous series on the upper body. Mine has been cranky for quite awhile and then You came along! Much appreciated.
Twist and side planks will be much easier with your great cueing...thank you
I'd like to thank Sammy, without whom my experience with this series would have been profoundly valuable but not nearly so fuzzy.
1-10 of 12

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