Day 4: Rhythm and Flow<br>Mychele Sims<br>Class 4943

Day 4: Rhythm and Flow
Mychele Sims
Class 4943

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Just what I needed. Thanks Mychele. 🙏
I feel so good after that. Thank you!!!
Loved this class! Thank you for a great workout plus much-needed stretching. You are a ray of sunshine!
Nadia F
Absolutely loved that class! Plus, I LOVED your energy (and sense of humour)! Thank you!
K. C
Thank you appreciate you so much đź’–
Katie H
I am loving the Mychele Sims challenge. I wish she had many more videos on PilatesAnytime!!!!
Excellent class
Samantha H
I have just done two of Mychele's classes as my first ones on PA and I loved her humor and warmth. I will definely be doing more with her xx
I love Mychele’s classes. I would love more full body classes 30-45 minutes. She is a bright light!
11-20 of 23

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