Day 6: Energizing Mat<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5092

Day 6: Energizing Mat
Laura Hanlon
Class 5092

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Steffi S
Thanks Laura. Love this class as it is a perfect mix of all my favorite exercises. Please More like that!
This was perfect! Thank you!!
Emma M
Amazing class! This truly was a full-body workout. I loved all the cues used during each exercise. The teaser series was very clear and helpful. I enjoyed the clear explanations of each transition between exercises. 
Lauren S
Super challenging class! When doing saw I sometimes lean into my hip flexors so the cues here to zip up through the belly & use my obliques was helpful to pay attention to!
Fantastic flow! The ordering of exercises was great as were your cues. This class is going on my Do Again playlist. I definitely need a bit more practice for some of the challenges here 
Bella K
Definitely will be using this as an example for my teaching practice! Very fluid and clear class
reverse spine stretch looks so nice. Also love the challenge transition from open leg rocker to corkscrew - nat and isabel
Dawvyn W
Quick and fluid mat class! I love to end with 5 push ups.
Sasha M
loved this! simple and classical but challenging as always! 
21-30 of 31

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