Gait Patterning Exploration<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5109

Gait Patterning Exploration
Tom McCook
Class 5109

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Tahmour B
AMAZING. Thank you for bringing those idea's together. 
Tahmour B, Thank you! Your very welcome!!
Such an amazing class! Thanks!
Camila Caldas, You’re very welcome!! Enjoy and all the best to you!
Allison H
I rejoined Pilates Anytime to start learning from you again, Tom McCook.  I love your integration of the AIM techniques with Pilates! thank you, thank you.  And your classes always calm my nervous system. 

 Question:  when you did the plank + rotation, does it matter what your feet do?  I couldn't see yours and the two women taking the class did different things
Allison H, thank you so much for your message, that’s inspiring to hear!! The side plank position can be either with the feet staggered front to back or with the ankles and legs stacked, which is more challenging. Either way focus on hip and inner thigh activation for control and form. All the best to you!!👊🙏
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