Hydration Reformer Class<br>Sally Anderson<br>Class 5148

Hydration Reformer Class
Sally Anderson
Class 5148

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Sally Anderson
Anne H Hi, Damn the internet gremlins!  It's so frustrating when things don't work - I feel you indeed 😮‍💨 But thank you for persevering over the final 10 mins and for your message. I hope you'll do it again one day when the universe is playing nice, and get to do the final part. I love being on PA and representing for 🇦🇺!! Thanks so much for your support 😊 
I cannot communicate how MUCH I enjoyed this session. Simple, novel, multiple and beautiful planes of movement. Just exactly what I needed with a sore shoulder today. I will do on repeat for a bit. Thank you again! Wonderfully well done!
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Wonderful class! Love the theme of inviting fluid, hydrating movements with variations in pace and rhythm- nicely setting the intention of the class, to mobilize and lubricate the body's main circulatory and lymphatic systems! Lovely flow, and covering all planes of motion! Thank you for sharing your time on PA, and look forward to hopefully seeing more hydrating mat and reformer classes!
Sally Anderson
Lori Anne Thompson Your message is getting my day off to a wonderful start today here in Australia, thank you! 😊   I love how you've described what you liked and so appreciate your taking time to write this. 🙏 🤗  
Sally Anderson
Catherine M Another message making my day today! Thank you - I'm so thrilled by your run down of what you got from the class. 🤗 
Dawn P
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great class needed for cranky rt hip
Larissa L
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Thanks Sally and Andrew!  Thoroughly enjoying your classes.  Loving seeing the Aussies on here!!
Sally Anderson
Dawn P Love your description  "cranky rt hip" 🤩 ... glad the class helped  😊 🙏 
Sally Anderson
Larissa L Thank you so much! We love sharing on here and so glad you are enjoying 😊 
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Quick question about the rotation in the elephant. I had some strange shoulder pain when I did it so I stopped. Do you have a suggestion about where else I could place the hand when I’m rotating? Thanks for a great class, Sally!
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