Thass® Intermediate Cadillac<br>Lesley Logan<br>Class 5165

Thass® Intermediate Cadillac
Lesley Logan
Class 5165

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2 people like this.
Love this and your Thass cues.  I have beeb working on my Thass connection lately so this is perfect.  Thanks.
1 person likes this.
That was great! Thank you and merry Christmas! 
Joy N woohoo Glad this was timely for you! xx
Connie M awe thank you and Merry Christmas to you as well xx
Kelly S
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I loved this ...ESPECIALLY the extra hundreds, "who knows":)
Kelly S yass haha! love that :) 
1 person likes this.
Your cues are so clear and helpful. Thank you Lesley, I felt my thass from the first exercise onwards, phew!
Amy Goeldner woohoo!!! YASSS! Thats a win!
Great pick me up! I love this duration as well instead of 60 min!
Midori Miller yay! So happy to hear that! thanks for taking this class :) 
1-10 of 26

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