Thass® Intermediate Cadillac<br>Lesley Logan<br>Class 5165

Thass® Intermediate Cadillac
Lesley Logan
Class 5165

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Love it LL! Miss doing your classes on the reg. Was nice to move with you again xx
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Thassssss fun!
Kirsti V awe! Glad you got this one in your practice! xx
IOS C yasss! love it!
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Thanks Lesley I loved it!
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Wonderful class, Lesley! Doing it this pace is fun, but I will go back and take a little bit more time to really get your cues...- because they are really helpful!!thank you!
Summer G yay!! that makes me happy xx
Silke L wonderful! Enjoy the 2nd or 3rd time around :) can't wait to hear how it continues to build :) 
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I have never felt so connected to my thass before!! and the integration that it created into my center for push through forward was a new sensation for me. I usually have to work for that, but it showed up automatically.  I learned a lot about my body in this one session. Thank you so much:)
Amber G THIS IS AMAZING!!! yay!! thank you so much for sharing with me! I'm dancing for you xx
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