Day 4: Lengthen and Burn<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5199

Day 4: Lengthen and Burn
Courtney Miller
Class 5199

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Lina S
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Up until now, my favorite! Great fusion class (a mix of yoga and Pilates). Really fun and challenging.
1 person likes this.
very nice fusion class + a sweaty zest ;))
Annie R
More burn than length - but great class - my sweat has nothing to do with the temperature................  Thanks.
Cheryl Z
love the sweat especially the warrior three 
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That was HARD! I’ll have to take it a few more times to keep up but feel great thanks! 
huge improvement in strength and stamina since the first class! Thanks! 
Love the daily challenges classes - a real treat for mind and body and a sense of achievement
Love the daily challenges classes - a real treat for mind and body and a sense of achievement
Love the daily challenges classes - a real treat for mind and body and a sense of achievement
I loved the cardio bursts combined with yoga and pilates! What a great, complete workout :)
1-10 of 13

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