Dynamic Flexibility<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5224

Dynamic Flexibility
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5224

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Loved this class for my sticky hips and thoracic spine! Thanks Sarah!
Thank you Mari L !
It is amazing what rolling rod can achieve! So happy your hips and spine appreciated the work.  Thank you Anne H !
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I absolutely LOVED exploring all the movement possibilities in this class. Feel so much better for it. Thank you Sarah. 
Lina S
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I like dynamic stretching because we're stretching more muscles by changing angles and it helps maintain or increase mobility.
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Hi Sarah, please be aware that we all need to move our laptops etc around when we do "funny" movements (like rolling on one side etc). I haven't been able to fully execute it and to feel the benefit of some of the exercise. Also when the teacher talks a lot, the student is switching off. I missed the flow in the workout. For me it works the best if I can follow instructions without permanently looking at the screen. 
That was beautiful! Thank you 
I would like to reply to each of you who took the time to comment, but there is a technical problem  related to tagging people.  

Caroline, I am so pleased you enjoyed this class so.  I am a big fan or approaching moment from all angles:) 

Lina, you hit the nail on the head! YES to dynamic stretching and being open to new ideas:) .

Sam,  Thank you so very much!   
Hi Brigit N, Thank you for your message.  Yes.  I fully understand that it is difficult to see the screen when moving in all directions. Generally, I try very hard to cue in a way that minimizes the students need to "see" the screen.  With that intention, there is more verbal cueing.  While its is useful to have enough verbal cues, I am in full agreement that too much talking can be distracting. Because this class included so much "out of the box" movement, it is very difficult to verbally cue well enough to avoid looking at the screen and also tricky to use the right amount of verbal cues.  Perhaps you can look at the pieces that you were unsure of during class and, with a little practice, enjoy the flow!  Additionally, I will keep your thoughts in mind next time I teach a class like this.  Take good care:) 
Wonderful class, thank you so much..
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